Power to the people

Don’t be fooled by all the upbeat stories about startups. Disruption is uncomfortable for some. Startups represent real threats to inefficient processes, bad actors and powerful incumbents.

A cell phone is now a tool to help address the gaps in society where government and business solutions have proved insufficient. Startups use technology to give power to everyday citizens and help them solve large societal issues.

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Startups are solving Peru’s trust problem

It’s hard to go a day in Peru without hearing the word confianza, or trust. People discuss trust because it is important, although not always felt. There is empirical evidence that people in Peru trust others less than in other countries in the region, and the world.

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4 pilares del emprendimiento social

Todos los emprendimientos tienen impacto social. Todos de alguna manera u otra tienen un efecto en las personas, sea positivo o negativo. Sin embargo, hay un grupo que se enfoca intencionalmente en poblaciones vulnerables o excluidas con el único propósito de aliviar y, por qué no, solucionar la situación en la que se encuentran. A estos los llamamos emprendimientos sociales. Vayamos al detalle.

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